Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tachycardia Pneumonia

2010 world map social networks

Ethan Bloch of Flowtown just published The 2010 world map of social networks inspired by Map of online communities published in 2007 by the site XKCD. As for the card 2007, each country or continent is represented according to its users.

2010 world map of social networks. Ethan Bloch. Flowtown . Click on map to enlarge

Compared the two maps provide a quick view of how the social media world has changed. In three years, the new face of this virtual world has radically changed.

Map of online communities published in 2007 by the site XKCD. Click on image to enlarge

Global giants have emerged, such YouTube, Facebook and Twitter , while older platforms have seen their influence decline significantly, to the Like Myspace , renamed "ancient kingdom of MySpace." A useful

creation that allows us to better understand this amazing market and its trends.


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