Sunday, August 22, 2010

Can The Heater Cause Sinus

Tunisia: In group Assabah After the interviews cans, fake photos!

After propaganda and dripping interviews cans, home Essabah dark further down in the swamps of journalism and made two balls in the photo doctoring.

To illustrate an article on charitable foundation "Al Zeitouna" published in the August 20, 2010, writing the daily Le Temps, used a crude hack of a photo showing Sakhr El Matri inspecting the load of a jumbo jet chartered by his foundation to deliver aid to Pakistan.

Do not be an expert to detect at first glance that the photo was "touched" and that the son of the president has "landed" in this picture through a rough copy and paste. In addition to the exhibition and direction of shadows that are not fitting with the overall exposure of the photo, we can perfectly detect the sleeve of Sakhr El Matri hiding a part of the elbow of the man with the blue shirt then the latter is at the forefront!

The ridiculous is that, Assabah, the Arabic daily, published the same photo but with a little tweaking improved but still remains clearly visible. When we enlarged the area of the anomaly of the first picture we see that the arms of the patron passes behind the elbow of the man in blue shirt, as would the laws of optics!

Two trials of "makeup" of the same picture, published the same day, one of the two "big" national dailies, in my opinion would be a world first and an additional insult to the ethics journalism in Tunisia.

The reassuring in this case is the vigilance of Internet Tunisian against big hoofed propaganda. Upon publication of two articles, the pictures have been around the net and dozens of people are already outraged or laughed at this trick.

Finally, to focus on that you almost forget falsification of indignation that such information may seem trivial at first page of a national newspaper! But that's another question already ....

@ malekk


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