Friday, August 6, 2010

Programing Nortel 350 Phone

Tunisia: Internet T-shirts banned white flash mob against censorship

An attempt Flash mob in Sidi Bou Said was aborted Wednesday, August 4 through the deployment of a large number of police in uniform and plainclothes.

Fifteen person tried to go to Sidi Bou Said dressed in white, holding a bouquet of jasmine [Machmoum] by hand to make a flash mob in protest against censorship that affects the Tunisian Internet.

blogger Lina Ben Mhenni , present at the site explains the process in his blog:
" Concerned with the legislation, concerned about the safety and order, Tunisian netizens have decided to organize a flashmob against censorship. The action was to dress in white, holding a "Machmoum" and observe a minute's silence all the participants gathered in one place. "
Despite the limited information publicly disclosed appropriateness of the event, the police were, according to several participants, although informed of the place and time of appointment. Blogger Tarek Kahlaoui , had to give up to move in discovering the policing sudden in front of his home.
" On Wednesday they put a police guard outside my house. They made me the total: Police on motorcycles and others by car, all hooked to their phones. I finally give up the go, not to jeopardize the place of rendezvous. Later I realized it was more complicated: they had all the information. "
The police were present in numbers at the exit of the station of Sidi Bou Said and even know the names of some participants.
" arrived at the station everything seemed normal , Lina wrote on his blog. [...] We headed towards our destination. At 50 meters, I heard someone yell my name and one my friends. And I found myself face to face with one of the plainclothes officers who have already dealt May 21, 2010 on the eve of Nhar 3la 3ammar a while my two co-signatories of the rally against the proclamation of censorship were arrested .
All persons identified in the place of the flash mob was ordered to return home and escorted on the way back, as one participant said:
" We were stopped by plainclothes police, prevented access to the old city even for a coffee, escorted to the stop TGM of Sidi Bou Said, held together throughout the journey, and welcome to get off the train in Tunis. [...] The plainclothes officers have noted our names and numbers of our identity cards. They were discreet but firm. [...] They have made it clear that if we ever did not cooperate, they would go to strong-arm methods .
All persons so repressed Sidi Bou Said were escorted on the train and received by other law enforcement officials who organized the dispersion of participants by prohibiting borrowing Avenue Habib Bourguiba.

Tarek Hasegawa, Lina Ben Mohamed Sudani Mhenni and the evening of August 4. Credit: Lina Ben Mhenni

By comparing the testimony of participants, can be estimated at thirty the number of police deployed to quell the flash mob who remember it is to put a T-shirt and holding a Machmoum to hand in protest!

Another glaring evidence - yet - the total lack of space for any form of protest, both peaceful and harmless it is, which could undermine the pillars of the security system in place.

Moreover, this attempt to be foiled because some participants were already known for their activism on the net, and were thus easily identifiable. But the originality of the operation "Flash mob against censorship" is the lack of guidelines on places and scenarios to be adopted. Page Nhar 3la 3ammar has over 20,000 members and future attempts more anonymous and less conspicuous could give a headache to law enforcement ...

From the information point "Al Hassad Al Magharibi" of August 4, 2010 which is about this flash mob aborted with the testimony of Lina Ben Mhenni.



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