Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Much Do Orthopedic Surgeons Get Paid A Year

Dar Assabah repair the rigging by the falsification!

In a note published yesterday on this blog , we reported how the daily Assabah and its French version, Time in their editions of 20 August had published a fake photo to illustrate an article about the charitable activities of the foundation "Al Zeitouna "showing its founder Sakhr El Matri inspecting the shipment of food from a Hercules of the Tunisian army bound for Pakistan.

As we explained evidence to support both daily published each a faked version of the same image. The photos were then made around the net causing consternation and derision.

But here, instead of apologizing for the rude photomontage, the editors of two newspapers chose to continue to take their readers for fools by removing the offending images to replace them, neither seen nor known, by others apparently without special effects, showing indeed Sakhr El Matri at the foot of the plane (here and here)! Of course, no word of apology or explanation has been published to justify this amendment would have imposed as journalistic ethics.

So, two major national newspapers that publish fake photos and when they take the bottom, remove the back door. Or how to repair the rigging by the falsification. The fake images still remain visible, of course on paper versions, but also the downloadable pdf. ( Assabah of 20.08.10 - The weather: 20.08.10

What is funny in this sad affair is that the dailies had presumably "real" pictures of the trip and there is reason to be puzzled about the usefulness of using these hacks. But to seek logical explanations to the actions of a press that has lost all credibility is surely a waste of time ...


@ malekk


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