Friday, September 3, 2010

Salmon Burger Without Egg

Tunisia: Escape illicit capital, cancer of the Tunisian economy

It's no secret that illicit capital flight is a national sport in this country. This phenomenon is not new and the flight of capital is practiced at all levels of society. But she reached the summit of power alarming proportions.

since 1987 and the advent of the new regime, the entourage of President Ben Ali has gradually captured the most lucrative business in the country and major international exchanges. Which puts them at the head office of this national enterprise of plunder.

's indiscretions are not lacking on the processing methods of ill-gotten cash transferred by various means in tax havens or in banks of some "friendly" countries. But beyond speculation and hearsay, the figures are there to speak.

An independent study conducted on behalf of Global Financial Integrity (GFI), by a team of researchers led by two economists and supported by the Bank World, revealed a hole of almost $ 18 billion escaped the Official circuit in Tunisia. About 27 billion of our dinars. A sum that would cover the entire foreign debt!

The researchers primarily based on the analysis of our balance of payments. Trade made by Tunisia with all countries of the world during the period from 1970 to 2008 were scrutinized. They were then compared with the statistics announced by our trading partners by deducting the cost of insurance and freight. They stopped and the inconsistencies in statistics from both sides. The researchers also investigated the grants, donations and loans that were injected into the country by analyzing the traceability of their jobs.

Of these 17.7 billion more specifically, the report's authors were able to identify more than 15 billion vanished, almost $ 12.5 billion between 1987 and 2008. The rest could not be distributed according to the same methods in view of the complexity of transactions. This earned us a whopping inglorious tenth place in the Top 15 African. More than $ 1,600 per head pipe. It is even fourth if one considers that criterion.

By focusing on the retail numbers year by year, for example we can note that in 1987, the year of the coup of General Medical Ben Ali, 676 million were fraudulently joined the country. A substantial increase of the escape took place from 1999, the year of his second reelection. Indeed, between 1999 and 2008 over 10 billion dollars have evaporated as well. The record was set in 2002 with 2.475 billion.

Obviously, the officials, businessmen or private individuals could also be a small pool outside but it is out of proportion to what may be the highest circles of power.

We still remembers the house bought by Sakhr El Matri to 2.5 million Canadian dollars. In a country where lamda Tunisian law has barely the equivalent of $ 4,000 foreign currency per year, and where the possession of foreign currency accounts abroad is strictly controlled, there is room for wonder about the "legality" of this transaction.

But Again, it is far off. This study, as mentioned above, takes into consideration that capital outflows related to investments, such as transfers of illegal profits and embezzlement of public funds and international exchange of goods through the retro- commissions. It does not take into account the leakage of products of the underground economy as smuggling and trafficking of all kinds.

An economy that would be not less than 1.5% of GDP according to an estimate made by a former finance minister retired. The equivalent of 1.25 billion for the year 2009. Yet again, this is longer a secret that over the past fifteen years, most of the traffic in Tunisia is exclusively in the hands of the president's entourage and his wife.

The scourge of illegal evasion of capital has disastrous consequences on the economic and social development. Those billions who have left the country fraudulently, that many schools and universities, roads and industrial projects that never see the day. Besides the increase in the debt ratio and increasing the debt burden on public finances. Fight against this phenomenon requires integrity at all the different tests State agencies and headed by the Presidency of the Republic. Thing we did, unfortunately, still lacking in Tunisia.

@ malekk


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