Monday, September 6, 2010

Bloatingyorshire Terriers

Ali Abdulemam

Two days have passed since the mail received by my friend Nasser Weddady , announcing the arrest our friend, the Bahraini blogger Ali Abdulemam . His arrest has shocked the entire blogosphere and Arab World and the new has answered like wildfire on social networks.

Ali is accused of "spreading false information" and link with a group of people accused of plotting a "plot to destabilize the monarchy." Actually have activities Ali Inconvenient authorities, including the very popular forum he heads and which he was previously arrested in 2005 . As for the "terrorists": a group of activists and campaigners for human rights .

I had the pleasure and honor to meet Ali twice. Both times in Beirut during the first and second edition of the conference Arab bloggers. The first time I was dazzled by his work as a blogger and activist. In particular a research and documentation on islands and large parts of the archipelago of Bahrain, attached arbitrarily and with impunity by the royal family in the country. The second time I found a man whose kindness and optimism reassures and whose culture Arab-Persian impressed. I also found a friend, husband and father of 3 children.

All those who met Ali in person or through his work and writings, including why his arrest was outrageous and how the Bahraini authorities' accusations are baseless and completely at odds with his beliefs. Ali risk, nonetheless, heavy prison sentences, see capital punishment if the prosecutor decides to prosecute.

The immediate risk is the psychological and physical torture by security services who practice it openly. An index that is far from reassuring: Ali was certainly forced to reveal passwords board administrator. The forum has remained elusive for 24 hours before the remaining directors fail to deliver it online. For two hours (around 1:00) it has disappeared again ...

Screen Printing (07/09/1970 at 1:45) of the home page of the forum . The inscription reads: "God, that this country is about."

To help Ali, demand his release on your blogs and tweets . You can also follow updates from the campaign page Facebook or blog . The Bahraini authorities have to know that Ali is not alone and that we will not shut up. Ali

need us ...


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