Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fitness Equipment Proposal

started with the new Twitter. Free

I do not know about you, but the new Twitter making a buzz since September 14 has landed on my account yesterday! So I spent the evening to discover all the new products announced. the first that jumps to the eyes is this new sidebar that goes from a narrow to a comfortable 200 pixels 500 pixels and is almost as wide as the timeline.

In addition to the usual information displayed in the old version, namely the number of tweets, your following and followers, the "Who to Follow," which goes from 2 to 4 suggestions, The sidebar now displays the last tweet and favorites. Links to entries and retweets, search results or saved lists now enthroned at the head of the timeline.

Integration displaying videos or photos and also one of most important innovations. By clicking on Tweets, media items are displayed in the foreground, above the sidebar with the list of retweets and recent tweets and references to the account in question.

This new interface can also display the profiles in the same manner as a tweet, above the sidebar. Very convenient for us to avoid opening new tabs to visit the profiles.

Another small innovation that I find very useful, there is no button "More" below timeline. The timeline is now infinite. there remains more than scroll down to automatically display tweets older.

That quickly what I find useful in this new Twitter is far from disappointing. The design very clean but not minimalist and many other small innovations damn easy to use interface and make you want some attention.


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