Sunday, September 26, 2010

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Tunisia: Ali Ben Salem may hide another, or when it mixes Assahafa brushes

The State newspaper in Arabic Asshafa , We are once again an illustration of the chronic lack of professionalism of the Tunisian press. In its edition of September 23, 2010, the day was mixed brushes to illustrate an article about a ceremony of homage to the great painter Tunisian Ali Ben Salem to celebrate the centenary of his birth, tells us, on his blog, the journalist-blogger Sofien Chourabi.

printing the article in the paper version of the daily Assahafa. Edition of 23.09.10. Image: Soufien Chourabi blog.

Indeed, the image chosen is none other than his namesake, Ali Ben Salem, one of the great figures of resistance. Ali Ben Salem is the founder of the office of Bizerte Tunisian League of Human Rights, the oldest in the Arab world and founder of the National Council for Liberties in Tunisia (CNLT) and the Tunisian Association for the Fight against Torture (ALTT).

Screen Printing section on the website daily. The archives of 23.09.10 are no longer accessible on the site. Credit: Blog Sofien Chourabi

The history of this activist is the first hour of resistance in Tunisia overlap. Sentenced to death by the colonizer, exiled and imprisoned for eleven years under Bourguiba. The April 26, 2000, he was sprayed with tear gas and beaten until he lost consciousness in a police station in Tunis. Medical examinations were subsequently diagnosed with severe lesions of the spine, head trauma and bruises. An "assassination attempt" condemned by the Committee against Torture UN he considered a "torture". If Ali now lives with everyday policing which is similar to a residency that dare not speak its name.

Ali Ben Salem to his home, surrounded by police

Ali Ben Salem is especially god thank you, very much alive and remains committed to continue its fight, despite attempts to silence. This "Shambles", the result of ignorance, has at least one merit: that of allowing an appearance, even inadvertently, in a national newspaper. A well deserved place for this example of patriotism. The respect we have for them is always proportional to the hatred which he dedicated power and its minions.


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