Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dvp-sr200p Black & White Mode

Tunisia: Ali Ben Salem may hide another, or when it mixes Assahafa brushes

The State newspaper in Arabic Asshafa , We are once again an illustration of the chronic lack of professionalism of the Tunisian press. In its edition of September 23, 2010, the day was mixed brushes to illustrate an article about a ceremony of homage to the great painter Tunisian Ali Ben Salem to celebrate the centenary of his birth, tells us, on his blog, the journalist-blogger Sofien Chourabi.

printing the article in the paper version of the daily Assahafa. Edition of 23.09.10. Image: Soufien Chourabi blog.

Indeed, the image chosen is none other than his namesake, Ali Ben Salem, one of the great figures of resistance. Ali Ben Salem is the founder of the office of Bizerte Tunisian League of Human Rights, the oldest in the Arab world and founder of the National Council for Liberties in Tunisia (CNLT) and the Tunisian Association for the Fight against Torture (ALTT).

Screen Printing section on the website daily. The archives of 23.09.10 are no longer accessible on the site. Credit: Blog Sofien Chourabi

The history of this activist is the first hour of resistance in Tunisia overlap. Sentenced to death by the colonizer, exiled and imprisoned for eleven years under Bourguiba. The April 26, 2000, he was sprayed with tear gas and beaten until he lost consciousness in a police station in Tunis. Medical examinations were subsequently diagnosed with severe lesions of the spine, head trauma and bruises. An "assassination attempt" condemned by the Committee against Torture UN he considered a "torture". If Ali now lives with everyday policing which is similar to a residency that dare not speak its name.

Ali Ben Salem to his home, surrounded by police

Ali Ben Salem is especially god thank you, very much alive and remains committed to continue its fight, despite attempts to silence. This "Shambles", the result of ignorance, has at least one merit: that of allowing an appearance, even inadvertently, in a national newspaper. A well deserved place for this example of patriotism. The respect we have for them is always proportional to the hatred which he dedicated power and its minions.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where To Inject Humira

here is my new gambling involvement interblog
this time it is that draws me dear, and I'll
expensive http : / / / a little blog all pink and cute as all!

I'll try to make his


for savory pancake dough: 100g flour

1/2litre milk
1pincé Salt

mix all ingredients in the order indicated by pouring the milk gradually to avoid lumps cook your pancakes in a pan oiled
the middle of your pancake place a slice of ham, a tablespoon of cream cheese a little and a small pinch of salt
repeat the process until your dough crepe fold the edges to form a pouch and hold the closed set with 2 wooden skewers chives or parsley Bake at 175 ° 10à15min finally .... there are several alternative for filling your pancakes to taste
quick and easy recipe for a night pancake party for a TV set or a romantic evening with family or friends is a recipe that everyone appreciates

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fetal Heart Rate Normal Range 34 Weeks Pregnant

Ali needs your support - Free Ali Campaign Abdulemam

Join the Global Campaign to Free Ali Abdulemam

1 - Send Appeals To The Bahraini Embassies in your country.

2 - Send To The Bahraini Minister of Foreign Affairs on Twitter: @ KhalidalKhalifa

3 - Spread the Word on Twitter-use Abdulemam and # # Bahrain.

4 - Add a Banner is your blog / website.

5. Write blog posts Demanding the Freedom of Ali Abdulemam.

6. Spread this video!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fitness Equipment Proposal

started with the new Twitter. Free

I do not know about you, but the new Twitter making a buzz since September 14 has landed on my account yesterday! So I spent the evening to discover all the new products announced. the first that jumps to the eyes is this new sidebar that goes from a narrow to a comfortable 200 pixels 500 pixels and is almost as wide as the timeline.

In addition to the usual information displayed in the old version, namely the number of tweets, your following and followers, the "Who to Follow," which goes from 2 to 4 suggestions, The sidebar now displays the last tweet and favorites. Links to entries and retweets, search results or saved lists now enthroned at the head of the timeline.

Integration displaying videos or photos and also one of most important innovations. By clicking on Tweets, media items are displayed in the foreground, above the sidebar with the list of retweets and recent tweets and references to the account in question.

This new interface can also display the profiles in the same manner as a tweet, above the sidebar. Very convenient for us to avoid opening new tabs to visit the profiles.

Another small innovation that I find very useful, there is no button "More" below timeline. The timeline is now infinite. there remains more than scroll down to automatically display tweets older.

That quickly what I find useful in this new Twitter is far from disappointing. The design very clean but not minimalist and many other small innovations damn easy to use interface and make you want some attention.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bloatingyorshire Terriers

Ali Abdulemam

Two days have passed since the mail received by my friend Nasser Weddady , announcing the arrest our friend, the Bahraini blogger Ali Abdulemam . His arrest has shocked the entire blogosphere and Arab World and the new has answered like wildfire on social networks.

Ali is accused of "spreading false information" and link with a group of people accused of plotting a "plot to destabilize the monarchy." Actually have activities Ali Inconvenient authorities, including the very popular forum he heads and which he was previously arrested in 2005 . As for the "terrorists": a group of activists and campaigners for human rights .

I had the pleasure and honor to meet Ali twice. Both times in Beirut during the first and second edition of the conference Arab bloggers. The first time I was dazzled by his work as a blogger and activist. In particular a research and documentation on islands and large parts of the archipelago of Bahrain, attached arbitrarily and with impunity by the royal family in the country. The second time I found a man whose kindness and optimism reassures and whose culture Arab-Persian impressed. I also found a friend, husband and father of 3 children.

All those who met Ali in person or through his work and writings, including why his arrest was outrageous and how the Bahraini authorities' accusations are baseless and completely at odds with his beliefs. Ali risk, nonetheless, heavy prison sentences, see capital punishment if the prosecutor decides to prosecute.

The immediate risk is the psychological and physical torture by security services who practice it openly. An index that is far from reassuring: Ali was certainly forced to reveal passwords board administrator. The forum has remained elusive for 24 hours before the remaining directors fail to deliver it online. For two hours (around 1:00) it has disappeared again ...

Screen Printing (07/09/1970 at 1:45) of the home page of the forum . The inscription reads: "God, that this country is about."

To help Ali, demand his release on your blogs and tweets . You can also follow updates from the campaign page Facebook or blog . The Bahraini authorities have to know that Ali is not alone and that we will not shut up. Ali

need us ...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Salmon Burger Without Egg

Tunisia: Escape illicit capital, cancer of the Tunisian economy

It's no secret that illicit capital flight is a national sport in this country. This phenomenon is not new and the flight of capital is practiced at all levels of society. But she reached the summit of power alarming proportions.

since 1987 and the advent of the new regime, the entourage of President Ben Ali has gradually captured the most lucrative business in the country and major international exchanges. Which puts them at the head office of this national enterprise of plunder.

's indiscretions are not lacking on the processing methods of ill-gotten cash transferred by various means in tax havens or in banks of some "friendly" countries. But beyond speculation and hearsay, the figures are there to speak.

An independent study conducted on behalf of Global Financial Integrity (GFI), by a team of researchers led by two economists and supported by the Bank World, revealed a hole of almost $ 18 billion escaped the Official circuit in Tunisia. About 27 billion of our dinars. A sum that would cover the entire foreign debt!

The researchers primarily based on the analysis of our balance of payments. Trade made by Tunisia with all countries of the world during the period from 1970 to 2008 were scrutinized. They were then compared with the statistics announced by our trading partners by deducting the cost of insurance and freight. They stopped and the inconsistencies in statistics from both sides. The researchers also investigated the grants, donations and loans that were injected into the country by analyzing the traceability of their jobs.

Of these 17.7 billion more specifically, the report's authors were able to identify more than 15 billion vanished, almost $ 12.5 billion between 1987 and 2008. The rest could not be distributed according to the same methods in view of the complexity of transactions. This earned us a whopping inglorious tenth place in the Top 15 African. More than $ 1,600 per head pipe. It is even fourth if one considers that criterion.

By focusing on the retail numbers year by year, for example we can note that in 1987, the year of the coup of General Medical Ben Ali, 676 million were fraudulently joined the country. A substantial increase of the escape took place from 1999, the year of his second reelection. Indeed, between 1999 and 2008 over 10 billion dollars have evaporated as well. The record was set in 2002 with 2.475 billion.

Obviously, the officials, businessmen or private individuals could also be a small pool outside but it is out of proportion to what may be the highest circles of power.

We still remembers the house bought by Sakhr El Matri to 2.5 million Canadian dollars. In a country where lamda Tunisian law has barely the equivalent of $ 4,000 foreign currency per year, and where the possession of foreign currency accounts abroad is strictly controlled, there is room for wonder about the "legality" of this transaction.

But Again, it is far off. This study, as mentioned above, takes into consideration that capital outflows related to investments, such as transfers of illegal profits and embezzlement of public funds and international exchange of goods through the retro- commissions. It does not take into account the leakage of products of the underground economy as smuggling and trafficking of all kinds.

An economy that would be not less than 1.5% of GDP according to an estimate made by a former finance minister retired. The equivalent of 1.25 billion for the year 2009. Yet again, this is longer a secret that over the past fifteen years, most of the traffic in Tunisia is exclusively in the hands of the president's entourage and his wife.

The scourge of illegal evasion of capital has disastrous consequences on the economic and social development. Those billions who have left the country fraudulently, that many schools and universities, roads and industrial projects that never see the day. Besides the increase in the debt ratio and increasing the debt burden on public finances. Fight against this phenomenon requires integrity at all the different tests State agencies and headed by the Presidency of the Republic. Thing we did, unfortunately, still lacking in Tunisia.

@ malekk