Sunday, February 21, 2010

Replacing Lighter Ford Focus

how to play a teenager during the holiday carnival?

me that desperate to see my daughter all day long nose into his computer
eyes hypnotized by the screen in the ears
two little white son who pours him decibel not so beautiful as that!
air and I'm here! but I'm not with you!

so I offered him several times to help me in the kitchen without success, fortunately
will have one magic word "chocolate"
I said if you sweetie buttocks brownies.
she like I do not start there because you see I'm busy inform me on wikipedia!
then add "chocolate!"
miracle and there she lifts her head, her eyes light up and his headphones from his ears fall, it disconnects from
fasebook, twiter, mesenger, ebuddy .....
hey yes my daughter is very popular virtually.

  • 250 g butter 250 g sugar
  • 250 g chocolate
  • 100g flour 6 eggs
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar


  1. Melt butter and chocolate together.
  2. Mix remaining ingredients together. Add this mixture to the butter mixture and melted chocolate.
  3. Bake 20 minutes, gas mark 6.
easy right?
they were a little overcooked but not bad for a first down.

experience again!


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