Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pokemon Silver Cheat Engine

The Tunisian question on the eve of 2009 elections: 2nd and 3rd parts [videos]

we go on today on the 2nd and 3rd parts of the documentary directed by Selim Ben Hassen and the Association of Students at Sciences Po for the Arab World (AMP) at the conference Institue of Sciences Politiques in Paris on "The question on the eve of Tunisia elections.

The second part summarizes the intervention of Sana Ben Achour on the situation of the Tunisian university and the excellent response to Umayyah Siddik, on the economic and social situation. Also, in this excerpt the intervention very noticeable Khalfallah Bashir, a member of the House of Councillors has a funny way to defend "the achievements of the new era."

Link to the video on Blip . TV to download and display: In this excerpt: Sana Ben Achour, Umayya Seddik Bashir Khalfallah

In the third part, representatives of the three opposition parties 'democratic' return to the presidential and legislative elections of 2009. Najib Chebbi for PDP, Samir Taieb politburo of Ettajdid, Mostapha Ben Jaafar FTDL leader, and the rapid and feverish, but nonetheless relevant Marzouki intervention on behalf of RPC. Representatives of civil society complete the picture not very pleasing to the advanced state of decomposition of the Tunisian political system.

Link to the video on Blip.TV for download and viewing: In this Excerpt: Omayya Seddik, Samir Taieb, Najib Chebbi, Marzouki, Bensedrine Sana Ben Achour , Belhassen, Mostapha Ben Jaafar.

Malek Khadhraoui

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Herpes Throat Bloody Phlegm

The Tunisian question on the eve of 2009 elections: 1987-2009: The Balance Sheet [Video]

As we announced Last week, Selim Ben Hassen chose to broadcast an exclusive documentary on the 50-minute lecture on "The Tunisian question on the eve of presidential and legislative elections of 2009, the Association of Students at Sciences Po for the Arab World (AMP). After the presentation of short extracts, we are releasing today the first part of a series of three.

Entitled "The balance of the 1987-2009 regime," the excerpt tries to summarize in 10 minutes, 22 years of political life in Tunisia, "Social Pact", as the political scientist, Omayya Seddik, 1987 to the disastrous situation of today.

The opposition in the role of the eternal victim, blaming the ruling regime, authoritarian, but not necessarily solely responsible for all its problems. Opposite, a regime and a Party, who made a holdup on the institutions of the country leaving no room for any form of protest ...

Link to the video on Blip.TV for download and viewing.
Extracts of the conference-debate on "The Tunisian question on the eve of elections in October 2009" organized by the Association of Students at Sciences Po for the Arab World (AMP) and conducted by Selim Ben Hassen and Aida Doggui. In this extract: Omayya Seddik, Samir Taieb, Najib Chebbi, Sana Ben Achour, Chedly Ben Younes, Belhassen, Mostapha Ben Jaafar Paris October 10, 2009

Malek Khadhraoui

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Replacing Lighter Ford Focus

how to play a teenager during the holiday carnival?

me that desperate to see my daughter all day long nose into his computer
eyes hypnotized by the screen in the ears
two little white son who pours him decibel not so beautiful as that!
air and I'm here! but I'm not with you!

so I offered him several times to help me in the kitchen without success, fortunately
will have one magic word "chocolate"
I said if you sweetie buttocks brownies.
she like I do not start there because you see I'm busy inform me on wikipedia!
then add "chocolate!"
miracle and there she lifts her head, her eyes light up and his headphones from his ears fall, it disconnects from
fasebook, twiter, mesenger, ebuddy .....
hey yes my daughter is very popular virtually.

  • 250 g butter 250 g sugar
  • 250 g chocolate
  • 100g flour 6 eggs
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar


  1. Melt butter and chocolate together.
  2. Mix remaining ingredients together. Add this mixture to the butter mixture and melted chocolate.
  3. Bake 20 minutes, gas mark 6.
easy right?
they were a little overcooked but not bad for a first down.

experience again!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gold Plated Handguns For Sale

"The question of Tunisia" in Science Po, Selim Ben Hassen entrusts images of a historic conference [Video]

« La question tunisienne à la veille des élections présidentielles et législatives de 2009 » à Sciences Po

few days before the last presidential and legislative elections in Tunisia, the Association of Students at Sciences Po for the Arab World (AMP) chaired by Selim Ben Hassen, had created event bringing together representatives of the opposition and power for a day of discussion around "The Tunisian question on the eve of presidential and legislative elections of 2009."

On paper, the day promised to be interesting, even historic. And to some extent it was. Indeed, the guest list were leaders son of the main protagonists of these elections, and the usual suspects of Tunisian civil society. This has led some to call it, wrongly, as "sitting in opposition." The stated aim, since the outset, the organizers, was to foster debate between the opposition and the "Plan".

And it is a significant novelty. Some representatives "respectable" of the plan have agreed to play the game I must say they had no choice. Organizers refused usual trouble maker: spooks disguised and other opponents of the Stakhanovists waffle Borhan Bsayess such that, for the record, had not supported and went pouring out his frustrations on all media "friends" who wished him well.

With some defections, including those of Ahmed Brahim party candidate Ettajdid finally represented by Samir Mokhtar Yahyaoui and Taieb, private passport and sensible act through a video recording, all guests were present for discussions that lasted more than 8 hours and scroll saw in the amphitheater of Sciences Po over 300 listeners.

Selim Ben Hassen
I met at Sciences Po in this interview gives us the underbelly of this landmark event:

Why a conference on Tunisia, why at Sciences Po and Selim Ben Hassen why you?

A conference on Tunisia because of the elections just months away, I saw that everybody was willing to discuss elections and to give advice, but nobody intend to do something concrete. Why at Sciences Po? First, because it was quite clear that such initiatives could not take place in Tunisia, and then because the school I belong to me has agreed to make available all resources for this conference or successful. Selim Ben Hassen Why? Because I am a citizen believes it has obligations to his country ..

How have past contacts with the government and opposition?

Both sides were very courteous and was very well received, and the share of power, and from the opposition. I met with both parties and interesting people, but still quite skeptical about the possibility of organizing such an event, where the regime and opposition would discuss together for the first time. The result gave me reason is mostly what counts.

there were conditions on the part of the power or the opposition to participate in this debate?

Contrary to what you might think, many more conditions on behalf of the opposition from power. This is rather unfortunate is that they focused primarily on the ability to speak before or longer than this or that comrade. In terms of power, once the scheme realized that I was determined that this conference into being, instead they played the game, even if they could send a larger number of stakeholders.

In the initial program, the holdings of Hama Hammami, Ahmed Brahim Mokhtar Yahyaoui and (through a video testimonial) were planned. The first was unable to travel to Tunis, why the latter two have finally retracted?

It is their must ask the question. But for the Ettajdid, Samir Taieb which replaced Brahim was honorably discharged its task.

Most guests have traveled from Tunisia, which supported the travel costs?

I do not know who funded the travel of each, but we have not supported the speakers for travel and accommodation .

The conference lasted nearly 8 hours, why did you choose to show only 50min?

The idea was to have a photograph of the political situation in Tunisia in 2009. 50 minutes is a documentary format that allows scanning satisfactorily a complex subject. The video montage is of course subjective, but it reflects how many Tunisians perceive politics of their country.

Who do you think was the guest the most difficult to manage?

I will not answer this question, but the video certainly will.

And what was the best intervention?

There were many good presentations. I appreciated that Chedly Ben Younes, a lawyer who came to bring the conflict to the views of the opposition. Even if I disagreed on the merits, the speech was structured and precise.

In hindsight, do you think that this conference was helpful?

I would not have done if I had a moment thought she would not be useful. I especially believe that the video will Tunisians to realize what is happening in their country to avoid saying in a few years, they did not know.

Interview by Malek Khdhraoui

Selim Ben Hassen
who managed this feat, decided to publish the pictures of the day and makes us the pleasure of choosing to disseminate, exclusively, a summary of 50 minutes. For reasons of convenience we present them in 3 parts.

Meanwhile the first part we will disseminate Monday, February 22, you are now in book four short excerpts:

Tunisia: The opposition is credible?
In this excerpt: Marzouki, Selim Ben Hassen and Aida Doggui. Direct link to the video on Blip: .

Tunisia Elections 2009: The question scores
In this excerpt: Selim Ben Hassen, and Aida Doggui Chedly Ben Younes. Direct link to the video:

Political Institutions in Tunisia
In this excerpt: Selim Ben Hassen and Mezri Haddad. Direct link to video:

Malek Khdhraoui

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Programmable Thermostat Noma

brownie dessert trend: blueberry tiramisu

dessert trend: blueberry tiramisu in glasses
like "too" this way of cooking, the jar is practical and pretty, and a simple dessert
becomes quite sophisticated, ideal to finish a meal with a flourish, the adoooore children!
here is my recipe is very simple!

you need for about six glasses

200 g frozen blueberries
250 g mascarpone

3 eggs 150 g sugar
-100cl fresh whipped cream
a dozen ladyfingers
book about fruit for decoration,

-Mix the mascarpone, 70 g sugar and eggs until yolks' to obtain a cream.
-whip the cream and add to mascarpone mixture and eggs,
- Beat the egg whites until stiff. Stir them gently into the mascarpone in preparation for lifting the mixture to not break the whites.
- For the blueberry coulis, mix roughly about 200 grams with 80 grams of sugar.
- Break each glass in a boudoir.
- Add a little fruit sauce then arrange a layer of cream mascarpone.une another layer of ladyfingers,
- Finish by adding a bit of fruit sauce, a few whole blueberries and then another layer of cream.
- Let stand in refrigerator at least 3 hours. Before serving, sprinkle a few blueberries

voila it's not more complicated, the harder it is to arrive not to mix the layers .

you enjoy!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Savegame Pokemon Silver

other revenue coming soon!