Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gingerbread Cookie Dough

The May 22, 2010 Nhar 3la 3ammar: Win bech Tohrob 3ammar

Because in May 2010 a wave of unprecedented censorship hit the net Tunisia, over 200 sites and blogs have been affected by the error 404.

Because our constitution guarantees freedom of expression

Because our constitution guarantees the right to demonstrate.

Because it is our right to demand a complete cessation of censorship and unconditional reopening of all websites.

Because if we do not act today, numerous and united, we may see the Internet look like Tunis 7.

For more information:

Blog of the demo: https: / / /

Nhar 3la 3ammar page on Facebook: ? ref = ts # / nhar3la3ammar? v = info & ref = ts

Page Event: # / event.php? eid = 119031098115185 & ref ts =



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