Sunday, May 30, 2010

When I Laugh Pain Ear

Kol ... Nhar Nhar 3la 3ammar EP.01

Direct link to video:

For more information:

Blog of the demo: https: / / /

Nhar 3la 3ammar page on Facebook:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gingerbread Cookie Dough

The May 22, 2010 Nhar 3la 3ammar: Win bech Tohrob 3ammar

Because in May 2010 a wave of unprecedented censorship hit the net Tunisia, over 200 sites and blogs have been affected by the error 404.

Because our constitution guarantees freedom of expression

Because our constitution guarantees the right to demonstrate.

Because it is our right to demand a complete cessation of censorship and unconditional reopening of all websites.

Because if we do not act today, numerous and united, we may see the Internet look like Tunis 7.

For more information:

Blog of the demo: https: / / /

Nhar 3la 3ammar page on Facebook: ? ref = ts # / nhar3la3ammar? v = info & ref = ts

Page Event: # / event.php? eid = 119031098115185 & ref ts =


Monday, May 10, 2010

Top Highlights For Hair 2010

ago Too much time under the same regime?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hp Rateing For A 1996 Artic Cat 580 Ext

Censorship affects the image of our country: Open Letter to the President of the Republic of Tunisia

President of the Republic,

Hereby, we have the honor to draw your attention to a subject that concerns many Tunisians.

Since independence the government of Tunisia has always been conducive to progress through its policies for education and training, through encouragement or by example. The Internet domain is no exception to the rule since 1996, the Tunisian state, under your presidency, has developed an active policy of dissemination of the internet. The creation of an administration of the Internet and the implementing measures necessary have borne fruit.

Indeed, Tunisian netizens have been pioneers in using this tool in different areas. Today there are hundreds of thousands to make everyday use. However, the Tunisians face of increasingly restrictive measures, are clearly illegal, from the administrations of the national network. These measures deprive the Tunisians a vital space for their social, cultural, professional, paralyzing the development of our country.

As the year 2010 was, at your initiative, declared International Year of Youth, by the UN General Assembly, part of the Tunisian youth today is frustrated not being able to access their favorite websites. Some Tunisian Internet that have made the choice to participate in public debate, have seen their personal expression censored in Tunisia.

After the alarming proliferation of such arbitrary decisions, and beyond it inflicts considerable damage to the image of our country and its march towards progress, we would like you react to this situation; so that there are no more blocked sites an illegal manner not based on any judicial decision and in total contradiction with Article 8 of the Constitution of our country and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

President of the Republic, you already have in the past decided to reopen the community site Facebook after crashing. Please call today to intervene to make it available again illegally censored sites.

We also urge you to require those responsible for the administration of the Internet to stop these illegal practices which seem the eyes of the Tunisian also random incomprehensible.

Please accept, Mr. President of the Republic, the assurance of my highest consideration.