Sunday, January 30, 2011

Replace Car Title Pa Quickly

Nicolas Canteloup "Vivement Dimanche" The

I cycled for twenty-years in all weathers, until the coming of the Vélib, why? I was not one of the few women doe over my bicycle-Walking for hours in foreign cities, I pasted tendinitis, lack of muscular cushion the soles of the feet, I put six months to reeducate me-Out my credit card terminals, no! "My neighbor who sticks to my wall to enjoy the canopy, so it's impossible for a gym or put off the lock, the bottom of my skirt are paying the price-you never know if the backlight works for the evening's big buses are always afraid the little thing that we are, and if we spawn between these behemoths including trucks, and a single car, the call is in contrast to air - Once I made the mistake of moving to a crossroads, fell with the bike bent over me, the driver has arrested later time to make me

Monday, January 17, 2011

Towel Bar Replacement


Anatomy of revolt

It is in the air to breathe, a wave of sighs torn and captives.
current particles drunk and electrical
alternating, overlapping, in a flood falsely animated.

Against your chest smoky breaking waves centenarians, a sea of black and purple.
The scum of the perpetual onslaught leaves on your body transparent
the stigma of a dream violated.

In your greedy eyes color, are projected by deforming the glimmers of a life absent.
melancholy Bird and ephemeral feather and wind, to the universe
Suspended by an invisible link and worn.

bloodless In your mind, pearl silver drops a revolt cold.
It is fire it is burning;
it is improbable dream of a future immaculate.

In your guts and blood, lavas, ferment storms sad and silent. Advancing
row quark, while spinning and dividing,
lend to grow, every moment of your sorrows drowned.

From your mouth distorted with anger, born of volcanoes and sounds of verbs.
Plagues deaf and old carpet in the arms of oblivion,
pouring on the abject torment you like a predestined phenomenon. There

breathe in air, scents present and distant.
atomic beams sober and regular
diffusing exploded in a revolt of the abyss, reborn

MK on 10/02/2006

In homage to our martyrs