Monday, October 19, 2009

Wrestling Singlet Costume

cuisine rif

here I would like some of my flat region the "Rif" region of northern Morocco,
this sound simple dish with local produce

When Did Nico Robin Ate The Devil Fruit

my first lemon pie

spanked this time I wanted to do a meringue,
here is the result not bad either!
from my testers a bit too much, especially for children!
is noted for next time.

for the recipe I followed this one

Friday, October 16, 2009

Decay Around Back Molar

in Tunisia Presidential Elections: Ready for the 2009 results?

As the Wicked Witch of the tale "The Sleeping frame "which asked daily to her mirror: who is the prettiest? Our president, asked every five years, its people, to tell him how great he is the president that he would have liked to be. Grand President: he has even committed to being in a historic speech, a day which is not less, 7 November 1987.

22-year reign later, the words of the speech sounded more like those of an imaginary tale than our bitter reality. Sadder still, they may be those that can be said today of his presidency ...

Punica Fides

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Make Ice Cubes In Tray

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chase Dog Commercial Song

Moubaarak Ramadhan!

Crescent Moon. Copyright Vincent van Campenhout (May 2006)

those who do and those who do not, those who do and who show and those who do not and that show as well, those who do so out of habit and those who feel guilty for not doing so, those who take the opportunity to find (or rediscover!) "right way" and those who are already Aid to find the trail through, in short all those for whom the word Ramadan means something: Romdhankom Mabrouk!
But earlier this month, holy for some excuse to return zero for others, my thoughts go especially to those who are away from their families they are unjustly imprisoned, exiled volunteers (But we can being deliberately?) or forced. What

this month is that of early delivery.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

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SNJT Report on Press Freedom in Tunisia: Tunisian journalists would they be the worst enemies of their profession?

La presse tunisienne. | BG.Sami

Celebration, 3 May, World Day of Press Freedom, and weeks followed it, were once again the opportunity for our media landscape show eloquently the extent of the evil that eats away for decades.

An evil that "political power" is certainly the first charge but certainly not alone. Some journalists and "information professionals" are proving to be even worse for the "fourth power" has never managed to be one in our country.

The President of the Republic who has, as always, opened the ball with
a message that does not lack humor. Relayed by all the so-called "press" our president " please, [...] to address [its] warmest congratulations and [its] best wishes to the officers of the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) and the Association of Newspaper Editors (ATDJ) and all family members of the press . Expressing his " account for their commendable efforts to dedicate a credible and authentic information "

As everyone knows, love of freedom of the press is pegged to a creed body of our president and he, as he himself says, "
always considered freedom of expression as a fundamental right of human rights, and granted to the sector of information and communication attention support and encouragement it deserves .

But now, stung by some sort of fly, and despite the "warm congratulations
" the president, members of the executive board SNJT , led by their president, Bghouri, made the choice in their " annual report on Freedom press in Tunisia "to see the status of" achievements "in the area instead of just the list ....

We learn that in spite of "
attention, support and encouragement " the situation does not lend itself to bragging presidential runs. An approach which would nevertheless constructive:

Extrait du rapport annuel du SNJT sur la liberté de la presse en Tunisie

Our review of the media landscape does not purport to be exhaustive, but we hope it gives a idea close and objective reality. Also, the emphasis of this report, like his previous, the disadvantages, shortcomings and deficiencies that we recently recorded in the sector is driven by our desire to avoid and overcome them to raise and develop our information . "

It must be said that there was cause for alarm. Not one world ranking addressing fundamental freedoms that our country among the class final.

Although it is incomplete and suffering from several shortcomings in both its form and its background, this report SNJT especially deserves to exist . It even allows some insolence on sensitive subjects such as the publication of which the current legal framework "
barrier" activity in another register or the treatment of certain information by the national media:

Extrait du rapport annuel du SNJT sur la liberté de la presse en Tunisie

national media and especially the state of them continue to ignore the activities of several organizations of civil society and political parties by opting for a selective treatment Information based on national and regional political considerations. "

Extrait du rapport annuel du SNJT sur la liberté de la presse en Tunisie

The selective treatment oriented and misleading most of the event logs of the coalfield, and social protest movement trials that followed, coupled with other events such as strikes, actions and the sit-in agents Tunisian radio and television, to leave the field open to foreign media to present these events according to their guidelines. .

Again, it is clear that the approach did nothing wrong intentionally. Whatever. It's already too much for the chairs of the committee for ethics and freedoms committee of the union immediately attacked the report. Not quite "objective
" to their taste.

The Chairman of the Committee on Ethics, named Kamel Ben Younes, comes to blows to correct the "storyteller" union president. That, for the guarantor of ethics is a good way to show his "ethical skills.

the Tunisian Association of Newspaper Editors was there to avenge the insult by publishing, in turn, its first annual report which, according to its president Hedi Mechri (it can not be invented! ), " provides an analysis of key developments in the media sector .

The "
analysis " promised by Mr. Mechri was, ultimately, proved to be a review of all the incentives, measures and incentives determined by the Head of State the benefit of the profession as well as highlighting the unconditional support of the " President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to news organizations and journalists, and the promotion of freedom of opinion and expression the framework of democratic principles and values of honesty and credibility. . It says, as he recalls, in " item 21 of the Presidential Program for Tomorrow's Tunisia 2004/2009.

However, it is that 2009 is nearing its end and the four points in question, namely "
support for the party press and opinion ", " widening spaces for dialogue "," driven by private initiative, in the press sector "and" improving working conditions for journalists "are the topics of most concern to the journalists' union who believes For its part, very little was done to achieve these "goals presidential . The ingratitude of our journalists is really a bad thing!

Fortunately this is not the case for all journalists. May 9, Jamel Kermaoui, the president of "Liberties Committee, which found that the ratio of central office lacking objectivity has, in turn, hung his own report on the matter. And the least we can say is that it sweeps out of hand the objections of his comrades.

The "wise" of this board think it is "
inconceivable to overshadow the progress that has been accomplished in the field of information in Tunisia "asserting that the promotion of information" is a concern shared between journalists and power "do not forget to review the initiatives of the Head of State to promote conditions of professionals! What we should not do to much to be seen as "power !

last act of this farce which is SNJT victim and actor in spite of himself, May 11,

Thus we learn that after his resignation was refused, the feisty chairman of the Committee on Ethics was stripped of his membership of the union for "
violation of ethics "under Article 11 of the Rules of Procedure.

The most appalling is that the Tunisian press as a whole, however, defended the report SNJT has done everything that it goes unnoticed! Several media outlets that have spoken, have readily
presented as a subject of controversy recalling its alleged lack of "objectivity .

The other is to say the overwhelming majority preferred to comment in the most insignificant details

Since then, a Kabbalah media is carefully conducted by the Tunisian media to question the legitimacy of the union's executive office to the tune of "spontaneous" statements of "journalists" gleefully taken up by all editors. A petition is circulating calling for even dissolve the executive board.

this subject

Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, is still an international NGO to step into the breach to defend the independence of SNJT.
in a statement released May 11 the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the campaign by the authorities against the executive SNJT, which they believe is a " further evidence of the absence of political tolerance and enmity towards the defenders of freedom of expression and human rights. "by providing support to the position of SNJT and" right to publish independent reports .

The same day, the group of the Tunisia Monitoring the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX-TMG),
sent a message to President Ben Ali , to express his " serious concern about the measures taken by [his] government to undermine the independence of SNJT and interfere in its internal affairs .

So goes the life of a journalists' union that attempts to remain independent in Tunisia. A life of pressure, low blows and a lot of bad faith. Once again it is journalists themselves in their overwhelming majority appear to be the worst enemies of their profession.

Rather than rally behind their union, it can be discussed later and internal best strategy, they prefer to jump overboard, leaving the ship beset by those who showed for 22 years Now the low esteem they take in journalism. Poor Tunisia!

Malek Khadhraoui

Monday, May 11, 2009

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